

import { FormSpy } from 'react-final-form'

A component that subscribes to form state, and injects both form state and the form instance via a render prop.

The <FormSpy/> will rerender any time the form state it is subscribed to changes. By default it subscribes to all form state. You can control which form state it subscribes to with the subscription prop.

By providing an onChange prop, <FormSpy/> can also be used to execute code when a particular part of form state changes.


<FormSpy/> accepts FormSpyProps and will call the render function with FormSpyRenderProps.

The only required prop is one of onChange, component, render, or children.

Basic Usage

It should be noted that <FormSpy/> is for very advanced use cases.

If you are not restricting your form state by providing a subscription prop to <Form/>, you probably do not need <FormSpy/>! Just use the form state injected by <Form/>.

You need to do one of two things when using <FormSpy/>:

1. Provide a way to render the form state

There are three ways to render a <FormSpy/> component:

<FormSpy component/>React.ComponentType
<FormSpy render/>Function
<FormSpy children/>Function

The only important distinction is that if you pass a component prop, it will be rendered with React.createElement(), resulting in your component actually being in the React node tree, i.e. inspectable in DevTools.

// Render a reset button that will be
// disabled when the form is pristine
<FormSpy subscription={{ pristine: true }}>
  {props => (
      onClick={() => props.form.reset()}

2. Pass an onChange callback

<FormSpy/> can sometimes be useful to execute code when a particular part of form state changes. This is what the onChange callback is for.

If you pass onChange, nothing will be rendered.

  subscription={{ valid: true }}
  onChange={props => {
    console.log('Form validity changed to', props.valid)